A Proud past and Promising Future
Local Union 636 is chartered by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (I.B.E.W.)
Founded in 1891 by ten brave electrical workers who dared to dream of a better life for themselves, their families and those who would follow.
From humble beginnings, the I.B.E.W. now proudly represents more than 750,000 workers in Canada and the United States.
Don’t be fooled by our name.
The use of the word ‘Brotherhood’ may reflect our historical legacy but more than one-third of our members are women. In fact, the I.B.E.W. was one of the first Trade Unions to represent female workers. Our brand may be a ‘Brotherhood’ but we call each other sister and brother because in the I.B.E.W. we’re all family.
Here in Canada, the I.B.E.W. has been protecting and advancing the rights of workers for more than a century.
Over the years the I.B.E.W. has worked hard to build a reputation as a progressive and forward-thinking union. We will continue our efforts to earn the trust of our members and know that standing together we will make a difference not only today but also in the years ahead.
Our Local has its roots in the same principle that motivates workers to join unions – strength through solidarity.
It was a common sense of purpose that decades ago brought together the many smaller I.B.E.W. Locals across Ontario that once represented utility workers. It was a bold decision that has served both our members and our union quite well.
Recognizing that all workers have the right to organize and bargain collectively, Local 636 has always welcomed members with very different backgrounds from a variety of industries and jobs.
Now numbering almost 5,000, our members work in:
the electrical utility sector;
public utilities;
communications and;
the alarm & signal industry.
Should others come seeking representation, Local 636 will be there to serve.
In the ever changing and often challenging world of work the I.B.E.W. has consistently been a leader in advancing the causes of democracy, fairness, equality, respect and justice - both in and out of the workplace.
If you find yourself questioning what you can do to ensure a brighter future for you and your family, you need look no further than the I.B.E.W. (A Union that cares) for the answer.
A Respected Reputation
Nationally/Internationally: For more than 100 years, the IBEW has been a leading advocate for workers rights and the cause of social justice. As evidence to our continuing commitment, the IBEW has earned seats on the Executive Board of the Canadian Labour Congress and the AFL-CIO.